Learning to forgive

Learning to forgive

Every week we may experience actions from others that may offend or hurt us. This could be as simple as another person cutting us off or a person saying something condescending. Often we are ready to forgive them after a few hours or a day, but there are times when the actions against us are extremely hurtful and forgiving is equally difficult. What then? Here are some steps we can take in the forgiveness process. 

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Finding refuge in God

Finding refuge in God

There are times in our lives when we feel attacked and persecuted. When people turn against us for no good reason. Perhaps out of jealousy, misunderstanding, the need for power and control, or many other reasons. We may feel victims of injustice. The situation may not make sense. Why are they treating me so bad, when I was honest, caring, loving, a good worker? Injustices rarely make sense and they pierce one’s heart. We allow the evil in the world to hook us, to get to our heart and cause suffering.

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